Post by Nunya BidnitsPost by OpheliaPost by Nunya BidnitsPost by OpheliaPost by Nunya BidnitsPost by OpheliaPost by Nunya BidnitsSo you're going to pull an SF and throw in with an obvious troll
because said troll doesn't like someone you don't like? It makes
SF look like a blithering fool.
Just sayin'.
I don't need to do anything. Janet has stalked me for 13 years.
What do you want me to do?? Come on, what? What would you do?
I would killfile the White Spirit troll instead of associating
myself with it. Surely you two can do battle without the troll.
Hey. White Spirit is nothing to do with me!
Except just directly upthread a bit.
You asked the question, and got a straight answer.
Never mind.
You want to believe the lying stalker bitch Janet UK you go right
ahead! Not sure which bit you are referring to but to be honest I
don't care!
You can't scroll up or look at your own posts? Nothing pisses me off
like some jackass with an agenda trying to play me for stupid. FAIL.
I have had more than enough and if someone -troll or
Post by Ophelianot- can see what I am getting then that is ok with me! You look to
your own troll. Yours is so busy I am surprised you need to worry
about another who doesn't seem to be bothering you.
I have the common sense to killfile it, dumbass, like everyfuckingbody
else here, so fuck off and go play parrot with your trolls and stalkers.
Re: ''Internet stalker'' Nunya Bidnitscaptured.
"Nunya Shitlips" <Nunya-***> wrote in message news:5172-4BC899D3-***
Bla bla bla, you're so clever. NOT! ROFL! And the webtv reference....
seriously? *You're* making fun of *me* with webtv? Do you not realize that
you have just validated everyone who has laughed at you for it?
One note... you can't lay off the crossdressing stuff in your lame attempt
at humor. You got caught on it already, and we all know about it, and "I
know you are but what am I" doesn't fix it.
Now fuck off and die, you phony little pussy, and next time you decide to
start flinging shit at people outside your own back yard, try to prepare
your freeble little mind for the fact that you need to be willing to take
what you dish out, because someone may do the same thing back at you. If
you're going to keep being a pussy who wants to give shit but screams like
sissy baby when you get it back, you'll just spend your sad little life
going through episodes like this where your true nature is revealed to
I'm done with you now, shithead. That is, unless you want more.
And unless you decide to resume making personal attacks on people who are
trying to discuss reasonable things. A little good natured banter between
rivals is fine, but you cannot seem to understand why it's offensive to
invade other forums and turn on a tirade of hateful personal attacks on
individuals. So if you go that route again, I'll be back on your ass, with
Goatboy, Ronald, and a bunch more tasty morsels. And go ahead and post all
the stupid shit you want in the Chiefs forums... you're not getting any
action because they are too smart to take your juvenile bait.... and
besides, yuou're just not funny.
Now please refrain from being an asshole and I will do the same.... or not,
your choice.
Besides, I can be a much bigger asshole than you when provoked, so do the
smart thing while you have this one opportunity at a truce.