Post by Mike.. . . .Following a post by Jane Gillett
Post by Mike.. . . .nice race to the bottom then.
Until somebody hits the "off switch" on this
The remaining question is "Do we have
Post by Mike.. . . .the wisdom" to handle it without adversely affecting our future?
A minority see the problem but our economic model relies on growth and
we now also have to contend with popularist politics that cannot see
beyond its nose beyond a few long overdue reforms that most everybody
wants but no "sensible" politician (including EU ones) will listen to
What particular things do you have in mind?
Post by Mike.. . . .China etc will not stop developing. A few windmills
are neither here nor there, we could save more carbon by not building
HS2 or banning long haul beach holidays (local beaches are available)!
Yes. But I don't see why <beach> holidays should be demonised particularly.
Anything in another country that you do just because you like it counts the
same IMV. And such beachgoers would contend that the weather is better and
the drink is cheaper and I couldn't argue with either!
Post by Mike.. . . .The BRIC countries say they are not stopping development, you caused
the problem. The USA is unlikely to do anything given they designed a
political system unable to achieve anything much without a serious
outside threat to unite them, they cannot even control guns!
Do US want to? Seriously, does your actual US citizen really want to ban
guns? Guisi? On the general subject we as a species are unlikely to change
anything we find convenient merely to improve the condition of the world.
We're just one of the selection factors in a natural selection process.
Post by Mike.. . . .This is not a final stage of achievement of evolution**; neither the planet
or the species (us or any other) is going to stop changing. If the race to
the bottom is going to happen then it will, changing the earth's condition
if appropriate on the way. We're part of an on-going sequence and I can't
see us stopping either the sequence or our effect on it.
science might find a technical fix if we diverted all windmil/sticking
plaster/empty gesture funding to the universities etc for research.
We won't IMO. <IF> you could get the West to divert its resources which is
very unlikely, you still ahve to convince the developing nations and they
have made their position clear. While the "leaders" (those with power and
influence) make most out of "progress" then that's what we'll get. We do
get individual exercises which lead to significant improvements from time
to time - end of largescale slavery in the West, London streets are no
longer sewers and Martin Luther King will justifiably be remembered - but I
can't see the earth's condition being considered unless it's convenient to
do so; we'll just use it as benefits the more influencial amongst us beit
China/India or the local/multinational industrialist/financier.
Post by Mike.. . . .what religion says is irrelevant, it knows nothing of any higher
forces that might possibly exist.
Neither do any of us and I feel we are probably incapable of understanding
the universe - at least, I see no reason why we <should> assume we have all
the necessary ability. I can't say that religions' "take" on the universe
is any less valid than mine.
Post by Mike.. . . .Its only any good for supressing new
ideas like female equality.
Another example of human rulers (men) "maintaining" rules to do what
benefits their situation. Mohamet (sp) treated women as equal people
AFAIAA. Don't know about other faiths - other than the CoE heirarchy which
seems to be having a bit of a sort out ATM.
Post by Mike.. . . .we are probably all fracked!
Quite possibly but probably not all of us. It's natural selection and we're
just providing part of it as other species have for them. We're only a
temporary phase, not the climax or apex of evolution, just a minor stage
along one branch and the branch will continue beyond <current> human form.
Evolution will modify us and our environment although it would probably
have been in a somewhat longer timescale without our intellectual
Jane Gillett : *** : Totnes, Devon.