(too old to reply)
2013-12-14 01:27:34 UTC
Aged Parent cannot have cheese, smoked, pickled, yeast extract, fermented food or any preserved food really. (Seriously she can't , she could go into a coma).

At the end of my tether trying to think of interesting meals to cook.

When I first started this gig I had masses of time to plan, prepare and even nip out to buy ingredients. That was 3 years ago and things have changed - she can't be left on her own for even 10 mins, doesn't like shopping, and I get a total of 18 hours free time per week when she is in respite (which is ME TIME, considering I am stuck indoors and "on call" for the other 150 hours per week (and paid a pittance, Carer's Allowance is £59 pw).

I am at the point where I would just love to order a delivered takeaway every night, it would SO much be easier. And she would pay - it's like getting blood out of a stone getting any housekeeping money out of her, because she never goes out to get money out of the bank, cashpoint, cashback..... yada yada.....
Mike.. . . .
2013-12-14 09:17:41 UTC
Following a post by EastneyEnder
Post by EastneyEnder
- it's like getting blood out of a stone getting any housekeeping money out of her
you need to get her to give you a card, then you can use cash machines
or internet
Mike... . . . .
Never eat on an empty stomach
2013-12-14 18:34:19 UTC
Post by EastneyEnder
I am at the point where I would just love to order a delivered takeaway every night
, it would SO much be easier. And she would pay - it's like getting
blood out of a stone getting any housekeeping money out of her, because
she never goes out to get money out of the bank, cashpoint,
cashback..... yada yada.....

Have you heard of LPA?

I'd suggest she gets one set up asap while she still has capacity .


2013-12-14 21:20:51 UTC
Post by Janet
Have you heard of LPA?
I'd suggest she gets one set up asap while she still has capacity .
Yes have heard of it and my solicitor thinks she is already too far gone - she has dementia.
2013-12-14 22:20:43 UTC
Post by EastneyEnder
Post by Janet
Have you heard of LPA?
I'd suggest she gets one set up asap while she still has capacity .
Yes have heard of it and my solicitor thinks she is already too far gone - she has dementia.
:-( But there are people in early dementia, who still retain enough
awareness to set their affairs in order. It might be worth asking her
doctor's opinion of her capacity , especially if he sees her more often
and knows her better than the solicitor. Drs use cognitive tests as a
reference point.
2013-12-14 23:22:16 UTC
Post by Janet
Post by EastneyEnder
Post by Janet
Have you heard of LPA?
I'd suggest she gets one set up asap while she still has capacity .
Yes have heard of it and my solicitor thinks she is already too far gone - she has dementia.
:-( But there are people in early dementia, who still retain enough
awareness to set their affairs in order. It might be worth asking her
doctor's opinion of her capacity , especially if he sees her more often
and knows her better than the solicitor. Drs use cognitive tests as a
reference point.
Janet's quite right, but hurry up!
Rusty Hinge
To err is human. To really foul things up requires a computer and the BOFH.