2021-12-23 16:10:12 UTC
Perhaps 40 years ago, I say one of the TV chefs - I’m THINK it was the
great Keith Floyd- show how to make a very simple curry dish he called a
Parson from left over Turkey. It used onions, curry powder, cornflour to
thicken, and milk, besides the left over Turkey. He suggested adding
sultanas as an option. It looks like a Korma and is similar - a mild,
light coloured, curry.
For years it was a regular on our menu rota over the Xmas break - I’m not
sure why or when it dropped off.
The Parson recipe came to mind this evening but I wasn’t sure of the
origins. As above, I believe it was Keith Floyd and he said it was a
Victorian recipe.
Google hasn’t helped and I know Turkey wasn’t popular as a Xmas meal here
until the 1950s / 60s. That makes the Victorian claim unlikely.
Can anyone shed any light on this minor mystery?
I think you can ignore the fact that Floyd used turkey, it is sogreat Keith Floyd- show how to make a very simple curry dish he called a
Parson from left over Turkey. It used onions, curry powder, cornflour to
thicken, and milk, besides the left over Turkey. He suggested adding
sultanas as an option. It looks like a Korma and is similar - a mild,
light coloured, curry.
For years it was a regular on our menu rota over the Xmas break - I’m not
sure why or when it dropped off.
The Parson recipe came to mind this evening but I wasn’t sure of the
origins. As above, I believe it was Keith Floyd and he said it was a
Victorian recipe.
Google hasn’t helped and I know Turkey wasn’t popular as a Xmas meal here
until the 1950s / 60s. That makes the Victorian claim unlikely.
Can anyone shed any light on this minor mystery?
interchangeable with chicken. My mother made this type of leftover
chicken curry in the 1950's served with a ring of rice around the plate
and the curry in the centre. And Coronation Chicken from 1953 is little
more than a thicker cold version.
Victorian curries certainly used fruit in them, see
waste any. If there's a lot left over from a Sunday joint we have a
repeat (réchauffé) on Tuesday or Wednesday. Otherwise and/or if
there's only a little left over it's made into a curry, we have a
useful supply of one or two person sized curries in the freezer! :-)
has an unpleasant taste that even curry can't mask. My Father was the
same so perhaps it's genetic.