Post by KevPost by JennyHas anyone got one?
If so how do they find it and are they worth buying?
All comments good and bad wanted!
My uncle has recently bought one - he thinks its great - he lives on his
own and he reckons it saves a lot of money as he rarely uses his
cooker's oven now.
I had some stuff he had cooked in it and it was fine.
I can't remember the make - he got it out of the newspaper - it has been
replaced once - but its hard to say whether that was poor quality or
just bad luck.
Thanks Kev, I am thinking it sounds like a good idea
but did wonder if they are as good as they are made
out to be. I may well get one - they aren't that expensive.
I think the best tip from reviews is to go for one with
a lid that comes off and has a rack to put it on or one
with a hinged lid, I gather they get very hot ...