Post by Malcolm LoadesPost by grahamPost by Brian ReayI've tried Quail's eggs and like them. Duck duck eggs are an
interesting change.
I've never tried Plover's eggs.
Looking on the internet, it seems you can buy them (I assume legally).
Has anyone tried them?
What about other (small) eggs?
I recall eating Coot's and/or Moorhen's eggs as a child and that they
were not significantly different to chicken's. It's a long while ago and
my memory is being stretched:-) Incidentally, we called the Coots
Me too!
Didn't the waterbird's eggs have richer yolks?
Too long ago!
Post by Malcolm LoadesPlus pigeon and pheasant's eggs. These tasted little different to
chicken's, only difference was the size.
Did you eat squirrels and young rooks?
Hell no!!!! I never heard of anyone eating those.
Rabbits until mixi took hold, partridges, pigeons and especially
pheasants. We lived opposite a well-known poacher. He would go out
shooting in the early hours then hide his gun and "catch" at the bottom
of our garden before doubling back through the village to see if the
coast was clear. Then he would retrieve his stash. Mum would often open
the back door in the morning to find a brace of still-warm pheasants
hanging from the door knob.
We have permission to shoot over a farm in Yorkshire. The farmer likes us
to shoot rabbit, pigeon, sometimes magpies when they get too many and grey
squirrel. We always bring the rabbits home because D loves me to cook
them:) As it happens I will be cooking some tomorrow in a white sauce with