Post by David.WE.RobertsMost mayo recipes only use egg yolks.
However a few use whole eggs.
What is the difference in the end result?
Dave R
I find that it is much less hassle to make a whole egg mayo - it behaves
better (less likely to split, takes less handling), it makes a gloopier,
creamier and less eggy mayo. I knock this up in the blender for the
fridges - or as a generic base to many things (marie rose, coleslaw dressing
base, chili mayo etc).....quick and easy and made in seconds.
For something a bit special...say an ailoli for a special meal etc, I will
use the old handwhisk and make an traditional egg only mayo. It will end up
much thicker and lower yield, and emulsify to a beauitful wobbly
yellow/green. Much stronger tasting (olive oil a big part of this one), with
more pronounced egg flavour.