Post by OpheliaPost by Jane GillettMeat cooking is more flexible; once you learn how a particular meat
responds I find I play it by ear with just a few general principles.
Of course but I am interested in what kind of things you have changed and
how did it work?
For example, a poster in RFC has cooked lamb with apples and cider! He
says it turned out really well.
Haven't tried lamb & apple but apples go into pork casseroles and boiled
hock of bacon.
Pork in cider and used to do pork cooked in tinned condensed mushroom soup
occasionally as recommended by MIL (the best cook I have ever known).
On the sweet side, she used to make a pudding based on ginger biscuits:
Dip a biscuit <briefly> (brief dip important, longer dip and it will fall
apart) into sweet sherry and "stack" the dipped biscits side by side until
you have a long roll of them on a plate. Refridgerate. Cover the roll with
whipped cream. Cut on a slant to roduce a striped look. Not a "healthy
option" I admit but very nice all the same.
Red cabbage (from a friend); layers of sliced red cabbage, onion and apple;
each slice seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add cooking liquid to
about half depth, cooking liquid being 50:50 red wine and malt vinegar and
that diluted with equal quantity water. Cooked - oh, a few hours slowish.
Nothing earth shattering there but good. Balsamic might be worth trying,
maybe smaller proportion; problem is we like the way ordinary vinegar turns
out and a bit reluctant to meddle - but will!
Sorry, not an adventurous cook!
Jane Gillett : ***@higherstert.co.uk : Totnes, Devon.