Post by Mike.. . . .Following a post by Mike.. . . .
Post by Mike.. . . .Post by Stephen WolstenholmeThose with brains or a need for
privacy do not stay for long.
you can have total privacy, a lot of nonsense gets talked about FB
usenet became established when computing was for an elite, now it
FB is as private and as anonymous as you make it, your choice. It's
more secure than here, whats private or safe about usenet exactly?
Usenet is all but dead, those of you remaining have a choice, lose
touch with people or move on as the vast majority have.
It's slightly harder to have a point by point debate there, that might
be a good thing. It's more of a conversation. Less "you stated x, you
are wrong because...." and subsequent flame war.
But debating differences is pointless, the world moved on some time
ago. Like it or not.
OT has been blamed for death of UKFD so I have avoided non-food topics.
A distinct lack of recipe-swapping or taste/quality evaluation of
comparative foods. In fact a distinct lack of anything. Not surprised
really; OT never stopped ONtopic posts so if they weren't there I guess it
was because nobody wanted them.
Anybody want a chat?
About anything?
Seems food/nonfood is immaterial so what gets YOUR goat? I have a few.
. Food politics/global supplies - well that's "food" really but doesn't
seem to float anyone's boat (as a matter of interest is anybody talking
about it on FB or not?). HOw is the need to import going to affect us?
. TV's habit of saying "look at this chart/picture/graph/view/whatever" and
merely showing a picture of the presenter looking at it so you can't see
what he's talking about. Do presenters have command of minutes cameratime I
. TV cooking progs; some single chef progs interesting but I switch off
when time-constraints (races) or "celebrity" participation. In fact, hardly
bother to switch ON now.
. Plastics. Degradation. Recent topic but drifted.
. Colostrum; Well, that's food too; just been hearing (radio) that it's the
in-thing for athletes ATM; heals aching muscles it seems. Years ago a
neighbour with goats offered us some. Unfortunately the offer was made with
the phrase:"I used to give it to Mrs A in the village but she died.". Tried
it but didn't realise at the time that it reacted like eggs on heating ie
set. :)
Facebook or not? Jury's still out for me I'm afraid but been v.busy and not
really evaluated prospects; still need to give time to MicroS/Linux
decision but recent car total demise didn't help (on the A38 late Friday
afternoon, Plymouth bound in summer, with no hard shoulder; racetrack comes
to mind). FB doesn't sound a good medium for discussion (but if that's all
there is .....) but I still think the effects of massive instant crowd
management have not been considered, at least not publicly - probably have
been in govt services, MIx etc and maybe by large commercial organisations.
Last post I have is 1st July. Is this IT?
Jane Gillett : *** : Totnes, Devon.