My Papa Was A Libertarian Too, And He Sodomized Me As A Boy
(too old to reply)
2014-09-25 13:44:31 UTC
"BeamMeUpScotty" <***@blackhole.nebulax.com> wrote in message news:***@
: Homoerotic Gay Kiddie Porn should be made available to all
: perverts like me so that I can live the lifestyle I choose and
: be free! Hanging around playgrounds and daycare centers should
: also be legal. I can't wait for the new daycare center that's
: opening up near me! This is going to be a rich hunting ground
: and I'm taking full advantage of it!
: I like sucking little boys penises and taking pictures of them
: naked!
: I am your leader - visit my websites:
: Twink Boys Asses

you must be a catholic and related to THE GLOB!!!!!
2014-09-25 14:55:13 UTC
On 9/25/2014 7:36 AM, BeamMeUpScotty wrote:

Post by David1950
Homoerotic Gay Kiddie Porn should be made available to all
perverts like me so that I can live the lifestyle I choose and
be free! Hanging around playgrounds and daycare centers should
also be legal. I can't wait for the new daycare center that's
opening up near me! This is going to be a rich hunting ground
and I'm taking full advantage of it!
I like sucking little boys penises and taking pictures of them
Twink Boys Asses
Someone is off their meds again?

This was NOT from my NewsGroup Servers... I have more than one sever I
have several and this isn't one of them.

Help search the universe for an intelligent Liberal life form.
Send BitCoin To: 1DYxrfVTdS1xhDJkhhrm1zb1cSYBYuUC4i
Gunner Asch
2014-09-27 08:49:52 UTC
On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 11:36:09 +0000 (UTC), BeamMeUpScotty
Path: border2.nntp.dca1.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!usenet.blueworldhosting.com!feeder01.blueworldhosting.com!feeder.erje.net!eu.feeder.erje.net!news2.arglkargh.de!news.mixmin.net!aioe.org!.POSTED!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: alt.philosophy,misc.survivalism,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
Subject: My Papa Was A Libertarian Too, And He Sodomized Me As A Boy
Followup-To: uk.food+drink.misc,alt.sports.hockey.nhl.ott-senators
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 11:36:09 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: .
Lines: 15
NNTP-Posting-Host: 1ANBsN11LoFlYGmVfBzkEw.user.speranza.aioe.org
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
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Xref: number.nntp.dca.giganews.com alt.fan.rush-limbaugh:6658354 misc.survivalism:1722730 alt.philosophy:1010772
Homoerotic Gay Kiddie Porn should be made available to all
perverts like me so that I can live the lifestyle I choose and
be free! Hanging around playgrounds and daycare centers should
also be legal. I can't wait for the new daycare center that's
opening up near me! This is going to be a rich hunting ground
and I'm taking full advantage of it!
I like sucking little boys penises and taking pictures of them
Twink Boys Asses
"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child,
miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied,
demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless.
Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."
PJ O'Rourke
